Welcome to the talk show, Waz Up Dawg! Today we have special guest star Ryan Woofcrest with us! I'm your host Claire Bow-Wow updating you with the latest news!
Ryan: "Hey Claire!!"
Claire: "Hi Ryan! It's so nice to see you! What's with the outfit?"
Ryan: "Oh, just got back from Mexico. You know, they have awesome Pina Coladas there!"
Claire: "I know! So tell us Ryan, why did you want to talk with us today?"
Ryan: "Well Claire, I found this adorable puppy named Frank! He has a home but I just thought he was so cute, you could just eat him up in one gulp! Just check out the Daily Puppy! I'll give you the web address:"
Claire: "Awesome! Now, our viewers have a few questions for you. Would you be interested in answering some?"
Ryan: "Gladly!"
Claire: "Okay. What's your favorite food?"
Ryan: "Easy. A big white bone with a little bit of low fat canned chicken on it. Mmmm."
Claire: "Mmmm. I'd have to go with that for my favorite food too!"
Ryan: "Hahahahaha!!"
Claire: Okay. What is your favorite television show?"
Ryan: "Hmmmm. Oh, I know! The food channel! One time---"
Claire: "Okay, Ryan. We don't need you to have a food flashback!"
Ryan: "Okay!"
Claire: "Here's your last question. What kind of car do you have?"
Ryan: "I have an SUV!"
Claire: "Super! So, Ryan we loved having you on the show!"
Ryan: "Thanks, I loved being here!"
Claire: "See you all next time on Waz Up Dawg!"
Ryan Seacrest (the bulldog with hula necklace on) pic from: http://www.womansday.com/var/ezflow_site/storage/images/wd2/content/family-lifestyle/pet-costume-photo-contest/225042-1-eng-US/Pet-Costume-Photo-Contest_featured_article_628x371.jpg
Claire Bow-Wow pic from: http://dogbreedinfo.com/images16/ChihuahuaChicoDressed2.JPG
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