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Welcome to Annabel's Canine Blog, where the place goes to the dogs!!

December Picture of the Month!

December Picture of the Month!
"'Twas the night before Christmas.."


The Paw Message Board (updated occasionally)

• New Picture of the Month

Send me pics and info about your dog at:
It could be the next featured pooch!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Welcome and Safe Blogging Ground Rules- Please Read!

Hello Everyone! My name is Annabel and I am the writer/maker of Annabel's Dog Blog! I work extremely hard to make this blog fun, interesting, and safe... Safe how? By moderating the comments and making this blog's boundaries stop where they need to stop. I love this blog so much and I really want to make it a safe environment for everyone. Please pay attention closely to these rules and think before you post:

1. No inappropriate language (swearing, sexual, etc.)
2. No abusive or rude comments.
3. No personal information in comments (phone number, address, full name, etc.)

I hope these rules will be followed and if they're not, just keep in mind that they will not be posted. Thank you and have a great time exploring my blog!

Sniffing for readers,

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