Today's dog that I will be researching is the Dalmatian!
#1. "The Dalmatian is a large, strong, muscular dog."
#2. "The nose can be either black, brown (liver), or blue or a dark grey that looks like black."
#3. "The medium-sized round eyes are either brown or blue or a combination of both."
#4. "The ears are set high, hanging down, gradually tapering to a rounded tip."
#5. "The chest is deep."
#6. "The feet are round with arched toes."
#7. "Toenails are white and/or black in black spotted dogs and brown and/or white in liver spotted dogs."
#8. "The short coat has fine dense hairs. The symmetrical coat is predominantly white with clearly defined round spots. THe spots can be black or brown (liver) which are the preferred colors in the show ring, but can also be, lemon, dark blue, tri colored, brindled, solid white, or sable. Bot all of these colors are accepted in the show ring, but they do occur in the breed. The more defined and distributed the markings are, the more valued the dog is to the show ring. Puppies are born completely white and the spots develop later."
#9. "Dalmatians were bred to run under or alongside horse-drawn carriages and therefore have a vast amount of stamina and energy."
#10. "They do not like to just sit around all day with nothing to do."
#11. "They are playful, happy, easy going and very dedicated."
#12. "They will not do well left out in the yard all day and have been known to dig crater size holes when done so."
#13. "The Dalmatian enjoys playing with children."
#14. "They get along well with other pets, but without proper human to dog alpha communication where the human clearly tells the dog that he/she is not in charge and fighting is an unwanted behavior, they may become aggressive with strange dogs."
#15. Height: 22-24 inches (50-60 cm.)"
#16. "Weight: About 55 pounds (25 kg.)"
#17. "Life Expectancy: About 10-12 years."
#18. "Litter size: Often large, not uncommon to have up to 15 pups in one litter."
Info from: http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/dalmatian.htm
Pic from: http://darkandbright.files.wordpress.com/2007/06/dalmatian.jpg
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