Pits are so cool so why don't you have a look at some facts about them!
#1. "The Pit Bull immediately strikes one as being a dog of power, passion, and undying willingness."
#2. "The neck runs into a deep, thick, well-sprung chest."
#3. "The American Pit Bull is a very muscular, stocky, yet agile dog which is extremely strong for its size."
#4. "The ears are generally cropped, though this is optional."
#5. "Its coat is made up of thick, short, shiny hair. All colors are admissible."
#6. "The American Pit Bull Terrier has a strong pleasure to please."
#7. "The APBT has evoked more human emotional, rational, and irrational response then any other breed that exists today."
#8. "By no means are these dos people-haters or people-eaters."
#9. "Their natural aggressive tendencies are toward other dogs and animals, not people."
#10. "The American Pit Bull Terrier is a good-natured, amusing, extremely loyal and affectionate family pet, which is good with children and adults."
#11. "Almost always obedient, it is always eager to please its handler."
#12. "It's an extremely courageous and intelligent guard dog that is very full of vitality."
#13. "Highly protective of its owners and the owner's property, it will fine an enemy to the death."
#14. "It is usually very friendly, but has an uncanny ability to know when it needs to protect and when everything is okay."
#15. "They are generally okay with other pets if they are raised with them from puppy hood."
#16. "Excellent with children in the family, they have a high pain and tolerance and will happily put up with rough child play. As with any breed, they should not be left alone with unfamiliar children."
#17. "Height: 18-22 inches (46-56 cm.)"
#18. "Weight: 22-110 pounds (10-50 kg.)"
#19. "Pits will do okay in an apartment if it is sufficiently exercised. They are very active indoors and will do alright without a yard provided they get enough exercise. Prefers warm climates."
#20. "Life Expectancy: About 12 years."
#21. "Litter Size: Average of 5-10 puppies."
Info from: http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/americanpitbull.htm
Pic from: http://specialfriends1.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/pitbull2.jpg
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