Today's extreme K9 is Shane!
"When Kamata hears the tsunami alert in the coastal city of Sendai, he doesn't evacuate immediately. Instead, he decides to visit his neighbors to warn them of the coming peril. Kamata puts his Akita dog, Shane, in the yard so they can leave as soon as he returns. But later, as he heads home, the tsunami smashes the city, blocking his path. Kamata is forced to flee to higher ground, to a school that serves as a shelter. He fears he'll never see Shane again.
Six hours later, another survivor tells Kamata that a dog is waiting outside the school. Kamata goes to look: It's Shane! Miraculously, the pooch swam through the tsunami and found Kamata, even though Shane had never been to the school. The minor cuts on his legs--- probably from climbing onto floating debris during his swim--- don't bother the dog as he runs to his owner."
Article from: November 2011 issue, p.20, Tsunami heroes section
Pic from: http://www.globalanimal.org/2011/03/28/global-animals-donate-27000-so-far-to-japan-animal-rescue/33925/
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