Today's awesome dog recipe is Crunchy Wheat Treats!
2 1/2C all purpose flour
2C whole wheat flour
1C rolled oats
1/2C wheat germ (I use honey nut wheat germ)
1/2C corn meal
14 1/2oz can beef or chicken broth (or make your own)
1/2C non-fat dry milk
1 tsp salt
1 pkg dry yeast
1/4C warm water
1 Tblsp milk
1 beaten egg
Dissolve yeast in 1/4C warm water and let proof. Warm the broth to about 110°. In large bowl, mix 2 flours, oats, wheat germ, corn meal, dry milk and salt. Stir in broth and yeast mixture. Knead by hand for at least 3 minutes. Don't skimp on the kneading time! Roll into a 1/2" thick sheet and cut with cookie cutter, or roll into a log shape and slice to desired size. Mix the egg and milk and brush on before baking. Bake at 300° for about 40 minutes ( a little longer if they're big). Turn off oven and leave in overnight. (the longer you leave them in the warm oven, the crunchier they get.) Haven't met a dog in the park yet who doesn't love these all natural healthy treats!"
Recipe from: http://www.thepoop.com/pooppantry/wheattreats.asp
Pic from: http://theliverlady.com/Treats_Crunchy.html
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