Walter the Farting Dog is today's Book Buddies featured book. This hilarious but stinky book is all about a dog with a couple of gassy problems! Walter is a dog that farts for no simple reason. The owners take him to the vet and the vet says to feed him these special treats that will make him stop farting. The next morning Walter is incredibly fat! He had gotten into the dog treats and ate all of them! Did the farting stop? NO! The owners are very cross about this and give no gratitude to poor Walter. Then, while Walter is sleeping on the couch one night two robbers break into the house! Since everyone else is asleep and don't hear a thing, Walter starts to bark. The robbers, then, tie a rope around his yapper. Helplessly, Walter lies on the couch holding in a fart so that the owners won't be angry. But just as the robbers are packing up all the stuff on the bottom floor, Walter lets it out! A big fart cloud circles around the robbers and it's so intense, they drop everything and run out the door! This amazing story is sure to make you shriek with laughter but I hope it doesn't make you a little gassy!
Pic of Walter the Farting Dog book pic from: http://bfgb.files.wordpress.com/2008/03/walter.jpg
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