Today's Tuesday Trick is "play dead!"
"Play Dead
This is an age-old move your friends will marvel at over and over again.
Use a food lure to teach your dog to lie down. As he sits, hold the snack in front of his nose and quickly move it down to his paws, saying "Down!" as you do so. Repeat until he lies down on command.
Next, teach your pooch to roll on to his back. While he's lying down, hold a snack in front of his nose with your right hand and move it in an 8-inch clockwise rotation. This will cause the dog's head and upper body to twist around. At the same time, gently push on his upper belly with your left hand. "Most of the time, the dog will immediately roll over and throw his legs up so you can scratch his belly," notes Wayne Hunthausen, DVM, the owner of Animal Behavior Consultations in Westwood, Kansas. As the dog rolls over, say "Roll over!" Repeat until he has it down, then start using only the snack and circular motion.
The last stage is a slow transition from the circular motion to pointing at your pet and saying, "Play dead." Gradually go from making a circular movement to pointing as you stand farther and farther away, repeating the cue word every time. Eventually, your pet will roll over dead every time you point at him and say "Play dead."
Info from: http://www.iams.com/iams/pet-health/dog-training.jsp?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Dog+Care+(Iams)&utm_term=dog+tricks&gclid=CMrnqKOp5p8CFZxS2godXiywHA#1
Pic from: http://img.webmd.com/dtmcms/live/webmd/consumer_assets/site_images/articles/health_tools/is_my_dog_normal_slideshow/getty_rf_photo_of_dog_playing_dead.jpg
Watch cool youtube video of dog playing dead!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qk1pOUb8a_g
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