Today's Tuesday Trick will be teaching your dog to stop jumping on furniture and people!
"Stop Your Dog From Jumping on Furniture
1. Take your pup off the furniture and say "Off!" Teach your puppy early on that you do not favor her sitting on the furniture.
2. Be consistent. It's important that you don't allow your dog to jump up on furniture one day and then punish her the next time she jumps on the couch.
3. Try not to leave food on the countertops and tables. These are temptations that a dog in training cannot resist.
4. Limit your pup's roaming area to places that don't have furniture with nesting qualities if your dog jumps on furniture while you're gone.
5. Consult a pet behaviorist if the behavior persists.
Stop Your Pet From Jumping on People
1. Be consistent with puppies and dogs; it's counterproductive to discourage your dog from jumping on others, while allowing her to jump on you and lick your face.
2. Turn all the way around when you first walk in the door and your dog leaps up on you.
3. Wait until your dog stops jumping, and say "Good!" the moment she does.
4. Command your pup to sit if she knows the command, and don't touch her until she does. Again, be consistent.
5. Tell your dog to find her toy if she doesn't know "sit." This redirects your pup's energy from jumping on you to finding her toy.
6. Practice "no jump" with friends once your dog learns not to pounce on you. Have friends give treats and praise when your dog succeeds.
7. Anticipate potential jumping situations, and tell your dog to sit or redirect her attention to something else.
8. Praise your dog when she doesn't jump, especially during situations that might give her reasonable cause."
Info from: http://www.ehow.com/how_73_teach-dog-jump.html
Pic from:http://www.webweaver.nu/clipart/img/nature/dogs/dalmatian-pup-pounce.png
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