Bedlington Terriers are so cool so why don't you have a look at some facts about them!
#1. "The Bedlington Terrier has the appearance of a little lamb."
#2. "The dog's pear-shaped head is narrow, but deep and rounded."
#3. "The almond-shaped eyes are small and deep-set."
#4. "The low set ears are triangular with rounded tips."
#5. "The chest is deep and the back is arched."
#6. "The back legs are longer than the straight, front legs."
#7. "The tail is low set, thick at the root and tapering to a point."
#8. "The Bedlington has a thick double coat of a mixture of hard and soft hair standing out from the skin. Colors come in blue, sandy, liver, blue and tan, and liver and tan. Tan markings may appear over the eyes, on the chest, legs and rear."
#9. "The Bedlington Terrier is playful, cheerful and affectionate, making a good family companion."
#10. "Loving with children and fairly friendly with strangers."
#11. "Loyal and lively."
#12. "This breed needs to learn to get along with cats and other household animals when they are young. Usually they can get along with other dogs, but keep them away from those that want to dominate, as once challenged they are terrifying fighter, despite their gentle appearance."
#13. "Often called a "little powerhouse," it is brave and energetic; an enthusiastic digger."
#14. "They are super fast runner need to be taught to come back when called."
#15. "Beddingtons like to bark, and need to be told enough is enough, if it becomes too obsessive."
#16. "Only let this breed of its lead in an enclosed area."
#17. "It is fast and loves to chase!."
#18. "Height: 16-17 inches (41-43 cm.)"
#19. "Weight: 18-23 pounds (8-10 kg.)"
#20. "This breed will do okay in an apartment if it is sufficiently exercised. They are fairly active indoors and will do okay without a yard."
#21. "Life Expectancy: 17+ years, one women reported her Bedlington lived to be 23 years old."
#22. "Litter Size: 3-6 puppies."
Info from: http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/bedlingtonterrier.htm
Pic from: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.pups4sale.com.au/bedlington_terrier_03a.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.pups4sale.com.au/bedlington_terrier_pups.htm&usg=__65_wwK86IEUk3UI6JmHIpVZcUTQ=&h=333&w=250&sz=31&hl=en&start=0&tbnid=XwDOpLPF7HbPFM:&tbnh=162&tbnw=128&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dbedlington%2Bterrier%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dsafari%26sa%3DX%26rls%3Den%26biw%3D1230%26bih%3D668%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=592&vpy=99&dur=333&hovh=259&hovw=194&tx=111&ty=138&ei=ViZlTOPUDYL6lwep3rDWDg&oei=ViZlTOPUDYL6lwep3rDWDg&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0
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