Here are some wooferful facts about the one and only Irish Terrier!
#1. "The Irish Terrier is a medium-sized, somewhat longer than tall dog."
#2. "The long head is flat between the ears and is in good proportion to the rest of the body."
#3. "The nose is black."
#4. "The teeth meet in a scissors or level bite."
#5. "The small eyes are dark brown, with bushy eyebrows."
#6. "The ears are V-shaped, fold forward towards the outside corners of the eyes, with darker, shorter hairs than the rest of the body. The ears of an Irish Terrier sometimes require "training." The ears get glued to the top of their heads so that they form the correct shape as the cartilage fills in. Not all dogs require this, and it's definitely not necessary if you're not going to show the dog. A special non-toxic leather glue called tear-mender is used."
#7. "The front legs are straight, long and muscular."
#8. "The tail is docked taking off about 1/4th the natural length."
#9. "The thick, rough looking, wiry coat lays close to the body and comes in solid bright red, golden red, red wheaten, or wheaten. The coat has a softer undercoat. The dog has long whiskers and a bearded muzzle. Sometimes with a small patch of white on the chest. Puppies are sometimes born black, but later change colors."
#10. "The Irish Terrier is courageous, energetic and loyal."
#11. "They are often affectionately called "Daredevils" by their fanciers."
#12. "Sweet with their families, an entertaining companion."
#13. "The Irish Terrier is a good friend for active children, loving a good play."
#14. "Bold, inquisitive and ready for action and adventure."
#15. "Intelligent, they are very trainable."
#16. " They have a strong protective instinct and therefore need dominant owners."
#17. "Can be quite a handful."
#18. "Train firmly starting when the dog is a puppy, providing rules the dog must follow and limits to what he is and is not allowed to do."
#19. "Be calm, but stern and always consistent."
#20. "Socialize this breed well."
#21. "May not get along with other dogs if the owners are not on top of them communicating that they are not in charge and that fighting is an unwanted behavior."
#22. "This hunting terrier should not be trusted with non-canine pets."
#23. "They can be difficult to housebreak."
#24. "The Irish Terrier likes to dig, explore and chase anything that moves."
#25. "Do not let them run free unless they are in a safe area."
#26. "Height: about 18 inches (43 cm.)"
#27. "Weight: 25-27 pounds (11-12 kg.)"
#28. "The Irish Terrier will do okay in an apartment if it is sufficiently exercised, and a small yard will do. If given sufficient exercise, it is surprisingly well-mannered and dignified indoors."
#29. "Since Irish Terriers were bred for active work, these dogs need plenty of regular exercise. They need at least a daily long, brisk walk, where the dog is made to heel beside or behind the human holding the lead. Do not let this terrier walk out in front, as in a dog's mind the leader leads the way, and that leader needs to be the human."
#30. "Life Expectancy: About 12-15 years."
Info from: http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/irishterrier.htm
Pic from: http://www.petplanet.co.uk/petplanet/breeds/Irish_Terrier.htm
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