Keeshond are such cool dogs so why don't you have a look at some facts about them!
#1. "Keeshond are compact little animals with a strong resemblance to its ancestor the Samoyed."
#2. "Pronunciation: KAZE-hond."
#3. "Their eyes are medium sized and dark in color."
#4. "The ears are erect, triangular in shape and set high on the head."
#5. "The tail is medium in length carried over the back."
#6. "The feet are catlike, compact and well rounded."
#7. "The dog has both a long, straight, harsh outer coat, which comes in shades of gray with black tips and a thick, downy undercoat, which is cream or pale gray. The coat stands away from the body."
#8. "An excellent children's companion, active, intelligent, very keen and outgoing."
#9. "Keeshond are full of personality."
#10. "They can be trained to perform."
#11. "Affectionate and friendly, the Keeshond loves everyone and needs to be part of the family activities."
#12. "A real character that is quick to learn if their owners are consistent."
#13. "They should be trained using gentle, but firm, calm leadership."
#14. "They are generally good with other pets."
#15. "Socialize well to avoid them from becoming reserved or timid."
#16. "They like to bark and are good watchdogs because of its notable gift for warning of danger. Teach them enough is enough, to stop barking after their first initial warning bark."
#17. "Beware of overfeeding, for the Keeshond will gain weight easily."
#18. "Always be your dogs pack leader, remaining firm, confident and consistent. Give the dogs rules he must follow and limits to what he/she is and is not allowed to do."
#19. "Dogs crave, and instinctually need this type of order in their lives."
#20. "Height: Dogs 17-19 inches (44-48cm.) ~ Bitches are 10% less."
#21. "Weight: some sources say 55-66 pounds (25-30kg.)"
"While others say 35-45 pounds (15-20 kg.) Ask your breeder which standard they follow."
#22. "Will be okay in an apartment although they should at least have an average-sized yard. Keeshonden prefer cool climates; they cannot withstand the heat well due to their thick coats."
#23. "This breed needs to be taken on a daily walk. In addition, they will also enjoy good run in a safe, open field each day. This breed is fairly active indoors. When a Keeshond spins in circles it is a sign he needs more stimulating exercise. See video clip of excited Keeshond spinning in circles."
#24. "Life Expectancy: About 12-15 years."
#25. "Origin: The Keeshond has an arctic origin. In the eighteenth century the Keeshond was known as "a dog of the people." In its veins runs the blood of the Samoyed, Chow Chow, Finnish Spitz, Norwegian Elkhound, and Pomeranian. At the beginning of the French Revolution, it became the symbol of the Dutch Patriot political party who were led by the patriot Kees de Gyselaer. Gyselaer owned a dog named Kees, which gave the breed its name. The breed then suffered a long period of neglect. They were first introduced into the UK by Mrs. Wingfield-Digby and did not become popular again until 1920, when it arrived in the US. It became known as the Dutch Barge Dog, as it worked as a watch and guard dog on riverboats, barges and on farms. The Keeshond was recognized by the AKC in 1930."
Info from: http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/keeshond.htm
Pic from: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://dogbreedswiki.com/images/dogst/Keeshond2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://dogbreedswiki.com/breedsaz.htm&usg=___y_yyGEQDlS7YdN_Edd_9wdvWyY=&h=316&w=360&sz=56&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=bokc-jlcsuz4wM:&tbnh=135&tbnw=151&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dkeeshond%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dsafari%26sa%3DX%26rls%3Den%26biw%3D1278%26bih%3D707%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=999&vpy=216&dur=678&hovh=210&hovw=240&tx=161&ty=74&ei=48vfTMqMIoLGlQeQ6byTDQ&oei=48vfTMqMIoLGlQeQ6byTDQ&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=28&ved=1t:429,r:13,s:0
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