Today's awesome recipe is the Dachshund Noodle Jumble!
2 cups of macaroni
2 cup of mixed vegetables (peas, carrots, corn, etc.)
3/4 to 1 lb. of meat (ground beef or chicken)
3 cups water
1 1/2 tbs. corn starch
2 tbs. olive oil
3 large cloves of garlic (pressed)
Add meat and water to pot and boil bring to boil. Let simmer for 15 minutes and strain off meat. Save 1 3/4 cups of boiled stock. Now add water and boil macaroni until it begins to feel soft. Add frozen vegetables and let sit in water for a couple of minutes. Strain noodles/vegetables and turn heat to medium. Dissolve corn starch in 1/4 cup of cold water. Add meat, noodles, vegetable, olive oil, garlic and stock to pot. Stir until mixture begins to bubble. Turn heat to medium low and stir in water/corn starch mixture. Stir on element for a few minutes until it thickens (add more corn starch mixture if contents are still thin). Remove from element and let it cool to room temperature.
Take 1 cup dry measuring cup and scoop out increments onto pieces of plastic wrap. Wrap up and freeze. We will usually thaw one out the night before and split it up into two servings (we add some kibble).
Makes approximately 6 servings."
Recipe from: http://www.thepoop.com/pooppantry/noodlejumble.asp
Pic from: http://www.drycreekminidachshunds.com/
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