Today's doggystar (or should I say doggystars) are the Buddies! They have starred in three movies so far and now they're on their fourth! The fourth is called Santa Buddies! In this new movie the Buddies travel to the North Pole and wind up in Santa's workshop! This new movie is a big doggy hit! The first movie even before the Buddies was an awesome movie called Air Bud. This movie is about an amazing dog that helped a volleyball team that stunk, get their A game on! The dog actually played volleyball! The main star in this movie was a Golden Retriever named Buddy. He's the father of the Buddies! Buddy meets Molly and goes head over heels for her. Then, they have the Buddies and that's where the fun begins! The Buddies' first movie was air buddies. Then, Space Buddies and Snow Buddies! These are all awesome movies and I think you should totally check them out!
Now, let's zoom in on the cast (a.k.a the dogs). First we have Rosebud who is the only girl retriever in the Buddies group. Then there is Budderball who is quite large and LOVES FOOD. After that, is Buddha who is a dog that loves to meditate and loves peace. Next is Mudbud and I bet you can guess what he likes doing---okay, I'll tell you. Mud---dirt---really anything he can get dirty with! Last but not least is B-dawg, a dg dog who's in the house! There's the cast for you.
These movies are pretty great and I love the ideas of the movies. They're so creative! Anyways, check these out!
Santa Buddies DVD pic from: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/614n8TxBgAL._SL500_AA240_.jpg
Air Buddies DVD pic from: http://cache.cinemanow.com/images/boxart/175/air_buddies_movie_175.jpg
Space Buddies DVD pic from: http://www.dbtechno.com/images/Space_Buddies_DVD_review.jpg
Snow Buddies pic from: http://library.creativecow.net/articles/wilson_tim/blu-ray/snowbuddies.jpg
Don't forget the classics!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IJDJwwxrlw