Pekingese are so cool so why don't you have a look at some facts about them!
#1. "Pronunciation: PEKE-in-ese."
#2. "The Pekingese is a small, well-balanced, compact dog."
#3. "It has a stocky, muscular body that is slightly longer than the tail."
#4. "The front of the face is flat."
#5. "The black nose is broad and short."
#6. "The large, prominent, round eyes are set wide apart with black eye rims."
#7. "The ears are set on the front corners on the top of the skull, are heart-shaped, laying flat against the head."
#8. "The neck is short and thick."
#9. "The legs are short, thick and heavy-boned."
#10. "The outer coat is long and coarse in texture with profuse feathering. The undercoat is soft and thick. The coat comes in all colors, sometimes with a black mask."
#11. "Pekingese are very brave little dogs, sensitive, independent and extremely affectionate with their handler."
#12. "These adorable dogs can make wonderful companions."
#13. "This breed makes a good watchdog."
#14. "The Pekingese may be difficult to housebreak."
#15. "Height: 6-9 inches (30.4-45 cm.)"
#16. "Weight: 8-10 pounds (3.6-4 kg.)"
#17. "Any Pekingese under 6 pounds is called a sleeve Pekingese. It is the smallest member of the Pekingese family, and the most popular size during the breeds development in China. To be a sleeve it must be 6 pounds (2.7 kg.) or under, anything over that is not considered a Mini Pekingese."
#18. "The Pekingese are very good for apartment life. They are relatively inactive indoors and will do okay without a yard."
#19. "Life Expectancy: With healthy dogs, about 10-15 years."
Info from: http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/pekingese.htm
Pic of Pekingese from: http://www.greatdogsite.com/admin/uploaded_files/1198061506pekingese.jpg
Peke's have never really done it for me. They always seem like the kind of dog a dottie dypso dowager in a b-list 30's movie would have darting about her penthouse apartment. What can I say - too many hours watching "classic movies" on tv when I was a kid.