Hotel for Dogs is featuring our doggystars today! This movie is heart warming and adventurous! The movie is about two orphans with a dog named Friday. One day they find this old abandoned hotel and they find three dog orphans. They start feeding the dogs and the girl orphan decides to get all the dogs that ran away or got abandoned and open up a dog hotel. Secretly, every day they snatch some food and g to the hotel. No one finds out. The boy orphan makes all these cool gadgets to feed the dogs and play with them when they're not even there! Then, one day a pet shop clerk figures out what they're doing and he joins in with the plan. He gives them his three dogs that he can't take care of anymore and they take great care of them! Then two other new friends come along and find out about it too. But they help out and promise not to tell! Soon the hotel is up and running! This movie is an F.F.F.F.F and I recommend it to dog lovers!
Hotel for dogs DVD pic from: http://www.dogguide.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/hotel4dogs_dvd_small-211x300.jpg
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