Today's Doggystar is Snoopy! Snoopy stars in a lot of Charlie Brown movies but I'm going to focus in on one Charlie Brown movie in particular. A Charlie Brown Christmas. Now, you probably think that there's a lot of Charlie Brown in these movies because I keep repeating his name, but Snoopy has a part in them too! Snoopy is a little beagle who is pretty smart for a dog! Since he's a cartoon, though, he can really do anything. Like every Christmas, he can put Christmas lights up on his doghouse without anyone noticing and he has a weird type of bird/canine as his best friend. Snoopy is pretty kooky but he would be a sweet pet pal to have around!
Pic of Snoopy from: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=11908044
Charlie Brown Christmas DVD pic from: http://www.cduniverse.com/productinfo.asp?pid=1138487
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