Old English Sheepdogs are so cool so why don't you have a look at some facts about them!
#1. "The Old English Sheepdog is a strong, compact, square dog."
#2. "The top line is lower at the shoulders slopping higher towards the back end."
#3. "The chest is deep and broad."
#4. "The nose is black."
#5. "The teeth meet in a level or tight scissors bite."
#6. "Eyes come in brown, blue or one of each color."
#7. "The medium sized ears are carried flat to the head."
#8. "The front legs are very straight and the hind legs are round and muscular."
#9. "The small feet point straight ahead are round with well arched toes."
#10. "The Old English Sheepdog is either born tailless (as the name Bobtail implies) or is completely amputated."
#11. "The shaggy, double coat is long and profuse with a good hard textured outer coat and a soft waterproof undercoat. Coat colors include gray, grizzle, blue, blue gray, blue merle, gray with white markings or white with gray markings."
#12. "The Old English Sheepdog is stable and happy-go-lucky."
#13. "They are able to adjust oneself readily to different conditions, are loving and friendly."
#14. "Loyal, protective and intelligent, they make a fine family companion."
#15. "Friendly and gentle, they love and are good with children and are very much part of the family."
#16. "They have a strong herding instinct and may try to herd people by bumping, not nipping, and need to be taught not to herd humans."
#17. "This breed needs firm, but calm, confident and consistent leadership."
#18. "The bark of the Old English Sheepdog sounds like a cracked bell."
#19. "This breed remains puppy-like for many years, and age tends to hit them suddenly."
#20. "Height: Dogs 22-24 inches (56-61 cm)
Bitches 20-22 inches (51 cm)."
#21. "Weight: Dogs from 65 pounds (29 kg)
Bitches from 60 pounds (27 kg)
Some can grow to over 100 pounds (45 kg.)"
#22. "The Old English Sheepdog will do okay in an apartment if it is sufficiently exercised. They are fairly active indoors and will do best with at least an average-sized yard."
#23. "These dogs were developed for hard work and love a good run. They need to be taken on a daily walk, jog or run. While out on the walk the dog must be made to heel beside or behind the person holding the lead, as in a dog's mind the leader leads the way, and that leader needs to be the human."
#24. "Life Expectancy: About 10-12 years."
#25. "The coarse, longhaired coat needs constant care to keep it in top condition. Unless it is combed and brushed right through to the dense, water-proof undercoat at least three times per week, it will become matted and the dog may develop skin problems, making them prone to host parasites. Clip out any tangles carefully so as not to nick the skin. A grooming table will make the whole job easier. If the dog is not being shown, the coat can be professionally machine-clipped every two months or so, about one inch all the way around. In former times these dogs were shorn along with sheep. Trim around the eyes and rear-end with blunt-nosed scissors. This breed sheds like a human, not a lot but in small amounts."
Info from: http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/oldenglishsheepdog.htm
Pic from: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.justdogbreeds.com/images/breeds/old-english-sheepdog.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.justdogbreeds.com/old-english-sheepdog.html&usg=__tqMoZCxzZS7-PdAzsrN9iP6yVx0=&h=412&w=277&sz=32&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=1EW1x5kKQPC5eM:&tbnh=131&tbnw=88&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dold%2Benglish%2Bsheepdog%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dsafari%26sa%3DX%26rls%3Den%26biw%3D1349%26bih%3D711%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=267&vpy=72&dur=4118&hovh=274&hovw=184&tx=144&ty=137&ei=iLEnTfvsB8Wblgf_2LDNCw&oei=iLEnTfvsB8Wblgf_2LDNCw&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=30&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0
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