Papillons are so cool so why don't you have a look at some facts about them!
#1. "Pronunciation: PAP-ee-yon."
#2. "Also called the Continental Toy Spaniel, the Papillon is a small fine-boned little dog."
#3. "The small head is slightly rounded between the ears with a well defined stop."
#4. "The dark, medium sized, round eyes have black rims."
#5. "The large ears can either be erect or dropped with rounded tips. Papillon with drop ears are called Phalene Papillon (Moth). The hair on the ears is long, and fringed, giving it a butterfly-like look."
#6. "The teeth meet in a scissors bite."
#7. "The long tail is set high carried over the body, and covered with long hair."
#8. "The straight, long, fine, single coat has extra frill on the chest, ears, back of the legs and the tail. Coat color is white with patches of any color accept for liver. A mask of a color other than white covers both ears and eyes from back to front."
#9. "The Papillon is sometimes called the butterfly dog, because the ears look like butterfly wings."
#10. "It is a friendly, intelligent dog that is tougher than it looks, and loves outdoor exercise."
#11. "A playful, lively, amusing, animated and charming little dog."
#12. "Affectionate, gentle, patient, and proud, they love to cuddle."
#13. "Enjoys a good romp outdoors."
#14. "They are steady, obedient and are not yappers."
#15. "Papillons can be trained to perform small tricks."
#16. "Good with cats when they are socialized with them."
#17. "They can also be difficult to housebreak, but are in general easy to train otherwise."
#18. "Since most people who own small dogs, because of their size, unknowingly allow them to run the show, they are not generally recommended for young children. However, if you are your dog's firm, consistent pack leader, providing rules he must follow and limits to what he is and is not allowed to do, along with daily pack walks, the Papillon can be very trustworthy with children."
#19. "They will be calm if sufficiently exercised."
#20. "Height: Dogs 8-11 inches (20-28cm)
Bitches 8-11 inches (20-28cm)."
#21. "Weight: Dogs 8-10 pounds (4-5kg.)
Bitches 7-9 pounds (3-4kg)."
#22. "Although they can be good city dogs, they are sometimes not good apartment dogs, because the dog has a strong instinct to protect their property, and many will bark excessively at nearby noises, not making the distinction between casual noises and those worthy of a real alarm."
#23. "Papillon need a daily walk. Play will take care of a lot of their exercise needs, however, as with all breeds, play will not fulfill their primal instinct to walk. Dogs who do not get to go on daily walks are more likely to display behavior problems. They will also enjoy a good romp in a safe open area off lead, such as a large fenced in yard."
#24. "Life Expectancy: Some as long as 16 years."
Info from: http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/papillon.htm
Pic from: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.k-9bathtime.com/files/Papillon.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.k-9bathtime.com/price.html&usg=__6sX2fRAqhMtSpXuYgj5wTSYHXfc=&h=599&w=398&sz=34&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=-p-tnbLoGV79tM:&tbnh=127&tbnw=84&ei=pP0yTZvGDojEgAfxq_CdCw&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpapillon%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dsafari%26sa%3DX%26rls%3Den%26biw%3D1344%26bih%3D672%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=268&vpy=33&dur=1848&hovh=276&hovw=183&tx=108&ty=179&oei=pP0yTZvGDojEgAfxq_CdCw&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=32&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0
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